ANAVI Technology Starter Kit
ANAVI Technology CS-ANAVI-10 is a starter kit that includes an ANAVI Light Controller, USB-to-serial debug cable and, 1-meter RGB LED strip with an LED connector. The kit includes an acrylic case that protects the ANAVI Light Controller from dust while still ensuring airflow and cooling. ANAVI Light Controller is a certified open-source hardware Wi-Fi® device for controlling a 12V RGB LED strip. The device supports sensors for light, temperature, humidity, and gesture recognition.Kit Contents
- ANAVI Light Controller
- Acrylic case that protects the Light Controller from dust
- 1-meter 12V RGB LED strip
- USB-to-serial debug cable
- Light sensor
- Temperature and humidity sensor
- RGB and gesture sensor
Publicado: 2019-01-21
| Actualizado: 2022-03-11