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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

Getting to Know Linear Motors Bill Schweber
The widely used linear version of the rotary BLDC motor offers distinct advantages, despite several caveats. By eliminating issues like backlash and variable losses associated with mechanical transmission components, linear motors are ideal for applications needing high precision and responsiveness.

The Road Ahead with UAM Alistair Winning
The first batch of urban air mobility (UAM) designs are currently prototyped and going through the certifi-cation and testing process, but evolving technology promises more in the future.

Of Machines and Motors Caroline Storm Westenhover
Last semester I took a machine and motors class. It has got to be one of the more difficult classes I have ever taken. Not only because it dealt with magnetism (the bane of many an Electrical Engineer) but also because it dealt with transformations. You know a subject is challenging when the easiest solution is to transform to a different reference frame, solve the problem in the new reference frame, then transform it back to the original.

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